API Callback

After our team have moderated your image we will call back to a URL defined by you. When you create a site you provide a URL for our callbacks - however if you provide a returnurl with an image it will override the site callback URL and use the one provided in your request instead.

For simplicity we perform a GET request to the URL you specify with the following parameters:

Parameter: pass Value: 1 (nothing tagged - pass) or 0 (image has tags)

Parameter: imageid Value: The image id we provided you upon submission

Parameter: imageurl Value: The image url you provided you upon submission

Parameter: siteid Value: The site id you provided us for the submission

Parameter: postid Value: The ID to return to your server upon moderation (optional)

Parameter: time Value: unix timestamp to prevent caching of the request

Parameter: tags Value: comma separated list of tags. For further details on tags click here

Parameter: error Value: 1 or not present. If there was an error connecting to your image then the get parameter error will be present with a value of 1. In addition a httpcode get value will also be present with the http status code.

Parameter: httpcode Value: 404 / 501 etc. If there was an error connecting to your image this parameter will be present with the http status code we received when connecting.

Example code (PHP)

// test receive code
$_GET['pass']; // 1 (nothing tagged - pass) or 0 (image has tags)
$_GET['imageid']; // imageid we provided on image submission
$_GET['imageurl']; // image url you provided on image submission
$_GET['siteid']; // The siteid for you in our system
$_GET['tags']; // See below 
/* comma separated list of tags:
  verysexual - Sexually graphic content rated 18+
  sexual - Non-explicit sexually provocative content (eg. handbra)
  mildlysexual - Content with a light sexual theme but no nudity (eg. excessive cleavage)
  offensive - Violence, racism, disgusting/crude content, defamatory
  politicalreligious - Religiously or politically sensitive content
  drugs - Drugs excluding tobacco/alcohol, drug use, drug promotion
  alcohol - Alcohol use/promotion/product
  gambling - Gambling, gambling promotion
  broken - Image appears broken or corrupt
  quality - Very low quality image eg. pixellated, very dark, over-edited
  advertising - Promoting a product/service/website in the image
  noface - No human face detected
  ntu - Celebrity photo, fake photo taken from website etc
  inhuman - No human subject in the photo (cat, scenery, etc)
  child - Child in the photo (appears obviously 15 or under)
  rotatec - image should be rotated clockwise (rotate 90 degrees)
  rotatecc - image should be rotated counterclockwise (rotate -90 degrees)
  flip - image should be flipped vertically (rotate 180 degrees)
  -- example: drugs,mildlysexual,ntu --
$_GET['postid']; // imageid you provided on image submission (optional)
$_GET['time']; // prevents caching

// if there is an error then $_GET['error'] will be present:
if ($_GET['error']=="1") {
  // There was an error fetching the image
  $_GET['httpcode']; // http code returned from your server

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