API Introduction

Our API is designed to be simple and robust allowing your application to submit images to us for moderation and get an automatic callback from our server to an URL you specify.

Using our Send Image API you can programatically send images to our moderation team and after we moderate them (usually less than 5 minutes) we send the response to a Callback URL that you provide.

Each submitted image uses one image credit. New image credits can be topped up within your account although new accounts get 100 free credits for testing and integrating ModRaptor into your workflow.

You can use our Lookup endpoint to check how many credits remain on your account and also to query the status of any submitted image (although receiving our automated callback is preferred).

All requests to our API use your unique apikey which is generated on a per-site basis and can be viewed by clicking "Edit Site" when you are logged into the account.

Get started with 100 free images!